Usefull commands

General Commands

Prints the current date


Raspberry Pi GPIO pin-out information


Information about the Pi


System Information Commands

Upgrades all of the software packages you have installed

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Opens the configuration settings menu

sudo raspi-config

Network Configuration Details

sudo ifconfig

Shows details about your CPU

cat /proc/cpuinfo

All Raspberry Pi computers report BCM2835, even those with BCM2836, BCM2837 and BCM2711 processors.

Decode the revision code

cat /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model

Display information about the CPU architecture


Shows details about your memory

cat /proc/meminfo

Check Raspberry OS Version

cat /proc/version

Shows information about the available disk space

df -h

Shows the temperature of the CPU

vcgencmd measure_temp

Check the status of power output to the USB ports

vcgencmd get_config usb_max_current_enable

Show event happened in the start sequence


IP Address of Raspberry Pi

hostname -I

Pre-installed packages

dpkg --get-selections | wc -l