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Raspberry Pi 1 model B

On the 29 February 2012, The Raspberry Pi Foundation released this UFO on the computer market.

It was immediately a success with 500,000 sales in the first 6 months.

The original aim of the project was to produce 10,000 units of a powerful low-cost single-board computer to engage young students thinking of applying to Computer Science degrees. The experiment was wildly more successful than anticipated and has transformed the world of digital making and computing education.

Raspberry Pi 1


It is based on a Broadcom BCM2835 SoC, which includes a 700 MHz ARM1176JZF-S processor, a Videocore 4 GPU and 512 MB of RAM.

Raspberry Pi Model B Rev2

Pin evolution

The Raspberry PI 1 model B had a total of 26 pins. The B+ pin model was introduced with the Raspberry Pi 1 B+, all later Raspberry Pi's (2 and 3) have the same B+ pin model, which has a total of 40 pins.

Raspberry Pi 1 GPIO