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Windows 11 on Arm

Windows 11 on ARM Insider Preview is a Preview of Windows 11 in a version intended for ARM architectures.

Windows Insider Program

The Windows Insider Program is where to get to preview new features and provide feedback to Microsoft before they are released to the public. Insiders can choose from three release channels: Dev, Beta, and Release Preview. Each channel receives different levels of stability and new features.

If you are interested in joining the Windows Insider Program, you can sign up for free at


WoR-flasher is a tool that allows you to install easily Windows 10 or Windows 11 on a Raspberry Pi. After automatically download the Windows installation files, it can flash Windows 10 or Windows 11 to an SD card. This tool is 100% legal. All proprietary Windows components are downloaded straight from Microsoft's update servers using uupdump.

The minimal requirements for using WoR-flasher is a Raspberry Pi 3 or later and a SD card with at least 16GB of free space.

git clone